Benefits And Dangers Of Using AI In Recruitment 2022

Benefits And Dangers Of Using AI In Recruitment; When it comes to hiring and firing, artificial intelligence (AI) has an image problem. Many of us don’t like the idea of putting decisions that can seriously impact people’s lives in the hands of machines, particularly when we might not necessarily understand how and why they do what they do.
But what if it turns out that machines were actually capable of making decisions in a way that is fairer and less prone to prejudice and bias than decisions made by humans? For many of those working on the problem of applying machine intelligence to recruitment and HR, this is the goal. And going a step further than that, is it possible that AI can help overcome the challenges of today’s fast-changing hiring landscape? The shift to home and remote working prompted by the global Covid-19 pandemic, as well as related developments such as the “great resignation”, require HR departments to navigate and predict their way around complex and ever-changing employee behavioral patterns. READ MORE

The 10 Best Examples Of The Metaverse Everyone Should Know About

Everyone is talking about it, but no one is exactly sure what it actually is. This makes it a bit difficult if we want to put together a list of platforms or experiences that represent the best of what it could be.
But if we take it to mean persistent, connected digital environments which focus on providing immersive experiences for users, we can have a go at highlighting some projects – existing and on the horizon – which stand out.
Not all of the projects highlighted here involve virtual reality, decentralization, or cryptocurrency. Although those are all technologies that are likely to have a place in the metaverse, it isn’t strictly essential that they are part of every metaverse.
So rather than focusing on examples that tick all of the boxes, today’s best examples tend to be those that do one or more of the core elements particularly well. Not all of these are fully functional yet (and one of them isn’t even real!) but they all give us a glimpse of what the digital worlds of the future might look like. REAM MORE

The Future Trends In Mobility And Transportation

The Future Trends In Mobility And Transportation: The way we travel from place to place is changing at a faster pace than any time since the proliferation of automobiles, trains, and airplanes during the last century. There are two main drivers – the need to adapt to changes in human behaviors and the need for greater sustainability.

These factors are behind the ongoing shifts towards electrification, automation, connectivity, and as-a-service – today’s major technology trends in mobility and transport. Whether we are commuting into cities for work, traveling to foreign destinations on holiday, or simply meeting with friends and family to socialize, we have more options than ever before. However, we also have greater responsibility to do so in a way that minimizes the impact on the environment.

Underpinning all of these advances in artificial intelligence – is our ability to create machines that can learn for themselves and make decisions that previously could only be made by humans. This is the technology behind autonomous cars, taxis, ships, and even aircraft that are quickly becoming a part of everyday reality. It also drives the development and usage of new types of energy and propulsion, such as electric vehicles, and enables services like Uber that have revolutionized ride sharing. READ MORE